Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Goodbye Sesame

I was worried when I realized that Sesame was not in her condo and it had the "please clean" sign. She wasn't in the Available for Adoption file, on the website as having been adopted. I worried that she had taken a turn for the very worst. But Irenne rang in the afternoon to check on the flu cases and told me that Dr Kim came in on Sunday to teach her how to give vaccinations and spotted Sesame. When Sesame first arrived it was via Dr Kim for a checkup. Dr Kim fancied her then. She fancied her even more on Sunday. So on Monday, she came to adopt her. She will have expert, constant veterinary care and we hope she does not get as fat as Angus.
Below Christopher are four more Stephanie kittens. These are not so over-the-top friendly as the previous bunch. In the photo they are, starting from 1 o'clock, clockwise: Hank, Jean, Logan and Anna Marie.
Charles has been returned "because he was too playful".
And Nori was returned because he sneezed.
Another woman came in with a donation of weird shaped litter boxes. She adopted Paco and Ethan in the early days. She, and the family, love them. They have made being house-bound very enjoyable (although she suspects that the cats prefered to have the house to themselves). She has a teenaged son who drops his dirty clothes on the floor. One of the cats adds his smell to the pile. What to do? [I told her to call Tim]. The annex has been rearranged and has lines on the floor that the germs are not allowed to cross.
Belle was looking better today. She has her appetite back.
Marigold's flu seems a bit better but Lily is miserable (but she still managed to purr at the vollies).

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