Friday, April 9, 2021

No phone peacefullness

I was all organised for a busy morning with lots of vollies but it turned out quiet. The main reason for the quiet was that the phone wasn't working properly and the internet wasn't working at all. Irene spent ages trying to sort out the phones. Occasionally a call would come through. It was very strange. And quietly un-stressy. Sandy didn't come. I didn't think to check my phone until I was driving home. There will probably be a load of "sorry" messages when it is all working again. But Catsie dropped by and was put to work washing up and meeting cats. She distracted Sesame while I Gumptioned her condo. That cat has the filthy-est paws and the flirty-est manner. Even Lily was delighted to meet Catsie.
One of Rosie's six newborns died this morning . . . a ginger male. I took him next door and Dr Kim could only count 3 heart beats. Later she took time out beside her litter box and I got a photo of her pile of kittens snuggled up on a heat pad.
I was worried about Belle because she didn't eat her breakfast until dinner time. Then she ate her dinner as well and wanted a look around.
Suki threw up her dinner last night so had to have a complete redecoration of her condo. It was probably a hair ball. I took a flicker to her and got a pile of hair as tall as her.
Daphne is doing really well as are her kittens. On Wednesday I had to encourage the boys to eat and the girl ate happily. Today, the boys gobbled down everything and until her nose cleared in the afternoon, the girl had to be helped to eat. After that it was a matter of keeping the boys away from her food until she had time to eat it. [Suggested names: Dianthus, Douglas (fir) and Dandelion]
The nice couple who adopted Salt dropped by at 4.10pm after their appointment with Dr Kim to tell us how well he is doing, how much they love him and how happy they are to have got him from us.

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