Friday, April 23, 2021

As is drinking

In his excitement to get a bit of BBQ chicken this afternoon, Magnus knocked over his (full) water bowl. Perhaps he was trying to wash the salty-ness of BBQ chicken down. His downstairs floor was flooded. I don't think it diminshed his enthusiasm for chicken. The bandage on the end of his tail is off. He went to Dr Chris to have it looked at. All is well. The eye needs a specialist appointment. But before that, when I arrived, before touching any fluey cats, I wanted to give Tara lots of love. She hasn't been eating her crunchies and only eats her wet food slowly. So I took the brush to her which she thoroughly enjoyed. She even let me brush her tail (which had knots) and purred throughout. We had a lovely time. She wouldn't eat a bit of chicken that I gave to her as a "thanks for the cuddle" but, I noticed that she had eaten it when I came back later. I came back because a young, red headed couple came in looking for a kitten. They work from home so want somebody to be a lap cat and play thing. We have a lot of cats available at the moment. Olsen/Olsanne is available as are Candy and Collette (but not on the website yet).
I can't get a photo of them together because Candy doesn't like Collette and Collette is more interested in running than people. Starmoon is available. And Amber, Opal and Jet will be up soon. I think they need to be separated to be "humanised".
Bridie isn't, yet. But she is prepared to have pats, and chicken.
The young couple looked at everybody. They liked Christopher until we got to Tara who turned on her purr and charmed them. They think that she sounds like a frog. Of course, they have to get permission from the strata body to have a cat. The landlord is willing. They know that Tara will sulk for weeks, if not months, at the change of venue. But it looks good to me. I put Mia and Bella in the play place. They rather liked it. . . Mia more than Bella. But the liking was associated with chicken and cat milk. Mia was easy to take back to her newly redecorated wheely but Belle had to be extracted somewhat forcefully from her hidey hole. They are to go as a bonded pair. Perhaps a dependent pair would be a better description.

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