Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Adoption tails: Joy reports Coco's progress

Joy's friends Barbara and David lost their beloved Bella to illness just after Christmas. She was their third cat. 
Bobby was their first in 1995. She was a very timid, little stray tuxedo back when they took her in and loved. She wasn’t with them long enough but became sick and passed away. 
Next came along Shelley who no one who met her would ever forget. She was a long haired tortie with a lot of attitude who was left at a vet’s by a man who couldn’t keep her.  After Shelley went to pussycat heaven (perhaps!),  along came Bella, a beautiful, pure white cat who had had a bad start in life and needed a good home. She settled in for 8 years.
Now all these these lovely cats were taken in without questions and given years of love and care but they were never the ‘lap cat’ that Barbara and David longed for, or a cat they could easily pick up and cuddle when THEY wanted to. Well, this time they certainly got what they asked for!

It took all of ONE day for Coco to find her paws. She moved from one lap to another before exploring every part of the house and deciding that her routine would be to start the day with David who gets up early.
Coco's morning stretch

 And to finish her day with Barbara who stays up late!
Coco, the screen umpire

She’s lately discovered a lovely sunny deck with comfortable garden furniture where she can look down onto the garden when not occupying a lap!
Her deck chair
 Joy is very happy for her friends as this is the first time that they’ve actually ‘chosen’ a cat (or Coco chose them -- as cats do). Barbara calls her  Our gorgeous eleven year old teenager! She has so much energy, is so intelligent and inquisitive. Coco brings so much joy. She settled in immediately and has run the house ever since!
She is our precious little lap cat.
May they all have many happy years together in what has turned out to be one of the happiest adoptions for SAFE and all involved. 
We love you Coco.

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