Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Adoption tails: Peggy

 James asked me of news of Peggy yesterday.

Peggy was adopted on 28/7/21

Peggy poses for Christmas calendar

After 1 day, 29/7
Messages from Peggy's new owners  "Peggy is just gorgeous! We’ve set up lots of hiding spots for her - she seems to love sitting behind the curtain and in a box that had new blankets, beds etc for her. She’s very shy, although she has touched my hand a few times to sniff me, mainly when I’m bringing food. My only concern is I can’t see that she’s been to the toilet in the kitty litter or anywhere in the room. She’s been eating little bits, but hasn’t touched the water. I’ve read that other rescue cats have been the same, but let me know if you think that’s normal. I was thinking of taking her to the vet tomorrow if she hasn’t gone between now and then."
"That’s so good to know that it’s normal, thank you! I’ll keep monitoring her for the next few days. My fiancé and I are huge cat lovers - my last cat was left at a property I used to manage, so I took her in. She had a similar personality to Peggy. We will definitely be keeping Peggy and will be patient, no matter how long it takes until she feels comfortable. She is absolutely beautiful and I love the name because it was my late grandma’s."

After 1 week, 4/8
Peggy is doing amazingly well. According to the new owners she is a very sweet cat. She loves her pats, plays with her toys and loves scratching cardboard boxes instead of her scratchy pole.

Peggy fits into small beds
After 1 month, 25/8
Peggy's new Mum says: "Peggy is just gorgeous! She’s really warmed up to us. It’s been weeks since she’s scratched or hissed. She’s so loveable - she won’t even let me go to the bathroom now without running after me. She also loves watching the Bachelor. We just adore her. Thank you again for the wonderful work you do SAFE! We’re really happy to be Peggy’s forever home."

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