Friday, September 10, 2021

Soxy's second chance

 First, go to yesterday's Adoption Tails to look at the lovely photo of Collette sent by her new owners. No photo of Candy, unfortunately.

They were two vollies down this morning at Safe Haven. Robyn to the rescue. She came in and helped Sophia who is a brand new vollie. Later in the day, Sophia brought her mother by to meet the cats. She cooed at them in Hungarian and all the cats understood every word she said. Pommie was particularly receptive. She is a girl, 5 years old, no history yet.

Archie, next door was not quite so ready to make friends although he did warm to me later (or was it to my chicken fingers?)

Petal is without her cone as is Magnus. They both looked more relaxed. And Wilson was in the play place all afternoon. Initially when there he walked around growling. Today he was happy enough getting pats from me while I ate my lunch with him. But when I opened the balcony door and noises came in from downstairs he was a bit grumbly. I never finished my lunch because a mother and daughter arrived to adopt Spot and Smudge. They have always had 3 cats but are down to one so wanted males to get their numbers up to normal. The finger test didn't determine which was who. And they were equally friendly to their new family. Kittens adapt so well, sometimes.

Even Harper and Scout are more relaxed. Their sibling Latte is to be brought in tomorrow "from the wild". That might set them back a bit. Or, perhaps, they will tell Latte how delicious chicken is.

Harper and Scout
There are new kittens in Incoming called Quinn, Sidney, Yin and Yang. I could only see one.
Looks like a Yang to me

But the very best news of the day is that Brandon came, sat with Soxy for ages and adopted him. He has his flat all set up with the box that his fridge came in on its side with another box with a comfy blanket in it along with a litter tray etc in his bedroom. He works from home, on the phone, so Soxy will always have somebody nearby. He has had lots of shy cats in his 21 years.
Soxy meets his new owner

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