Friday, September 3, 2021

Licking the washing up

 When I arrived this afternoon Oreo and Lucky had been in the play place overnight and were hiding (probably because the vollies had cleaned everything with super efficiency and speed!) So I took some of the unassembled carry cases in there with me so they could help me put them together. A cat really helps by giving distraction when the b. . . y things won't cooperate. Oreo came out of hiding first and let me take off her too tight collar. She is the mother. Her fur is much better than when she arrived probably suffering from a flea allergy.

Soon Lucky (her son) joined us to help finish off their breakfast crunchies. I took off his collar too and there is what looks like a healed pressure sore under it. Those collars had been on for far too long.

Ragged collars

Lucky soon discovered that my shoes smelled amazing. And Oreo discovered the out-the-window view shelf.

Shadow (the "sister" of Ellie) was adopted this morning. And Alice took Gia home with tears in her eyes because she couldn't adopt her sister and brothers as well. In the afternoon a father arrived with his daughter for Sasha. They had read on the website that Sasha was overweight but rather baulked when they saw just how plump she is. So I introduced them to the other cats who are available and those who will be coming on line soon. There are some pretty cats among them like Cathy, some loving ones like Malabar and some charming ones like Wilson. But, no, the small girl decided that Sasha was the cat for her. They had looked after a friend's adult cat while the friends were overseas but the "friends" had come home to claim back their cat so she wants one all for herself. They took her home.

Chicken treats this afternoon were not enjoyed by Schnitty who was dropped off by his family last Sunday and has spend the intervening days mourning in a hammock. He has cried himself into unilateral conjunctivitis (or perhaps has a touch of the cat flu). He is miserable. I tried to get him to purr by brushing him but he is having ONE MAJOR SULK.


Blacky was just the same when he arrived at the end of July. But now he is eager for the pats that come with the chicken.


He needs a dental before being ready for adoption.

Gracie will do (almost) anything for chicken including coming down with the door open. She certainly has put on weight since she arrived last July.


Autumn and Summer have been trained to help with the licking up of chicken flavoured plastic bags and spoons.

Autumn and Summer

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