Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Ellie stars

 I had three calls about Ellie before 10am because she was posted on our website yesterday evening. Talk about Miss Popular. But we don't reserve cats over the phone. It is a matter of first come, first served. A local woman arrived with her three school aged kids at 1:30. Good thing that she is a teacher so can decide what is most important. . . . lessons or filling the gap in the family that can only be filled by a cat. They came to look at Petal who has been desexed and is not quite ready yet. The eldest daughter used to be allergic to cats but has got better since getting bigger. They all loved Petal but she isn't ready yet. (The mother/daughter team who fell for her last week called later this morning to see how she was getting on and were hoping that they could be first to get her.)

The mum used to have a Persian cat. They knew about Ellie and asked to meet her. Ellie behaved beautifully. The oldest daughter didn't show any signs of sneezes or itches. They were tremendously excited about having her. So they took her. 

Later a woman arrived to meet Ellie. She had phoned earlier. She showed me a photo of the cat that she had to leave behind in China. He looked just like Archie so I introduced them. It was a case of mutual love at first sight. Archie has the best purr! And he has a shaved portion of his tail . . . . don't know what happened there. She will keep her eyes glued to the web page for when he is available. She lives just down the road so I invited her to come visit.

I was too busy to take photos but Robyn took some.

Nada is the new girl in Incoming. She is recovering from having her tail amputated. Why?

And we have a second Shadow. This one is a boy too (as is the companion of Ellie and Sasha) but he looks like a female: very fine boned. It was very clever of Robyn to include two shadows in her photograph.

Shadow 2

Robyn also took a photo of Tiger who never moves. But the food disappears from his bowl.

And she had a chat with Buddy. Pete doesn't usually get involved with conversations. (I still think we should change Buddy's name to Dud so that we can call them Dud and Pete but perhaps I am the only vollie old enough to remember Peter Cook and Dudley Moore.)

Buddy (Dud)

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