Thursday, February 3, 2022

Big nights for the M's

 Mayka had her big night last night. She got out of her stand alone during the afternoon and led her staff on a merry dance to try to get her back into it. They gave up evenutally and left a litter tray out for her and delicious food inside the stand alone. When I arrived, opened the front door to let the stink dissapate and walked towards the verandah door to open it, I noticed that her cage doors were open and she was nowhere in sight. I moved very quickly to close the front door! 

Eventually I found her behind her stand alone, snuggled down on a Safe T-shirt. I tried to grab her to throw her back in but she bit me but good and ran off to hide somewhere in the main cattery. The vollies spotted her under the small table at Casper's end. We stuffed that with towels and put something utterly delicious in a carry cage. No way was she going to fall for that. 

When Geoff arrived we leaned on his WIRES expertise and she lead us a merry dance. At one stage she was behind the merchandise shelves between the back screen and the wall. . .. a space of all of 2 cm. She hunkered down below the trolly next to Max and we struggled to corner her and Geoff managed to squish her (evidently cats can squish safely) and got her back into her stand alone. He has a hole in his cat proof gloves as well as in his finger for his efforts. We NEED more bandaids.

Mayka not happy to be home
Of course, Max had watched all this drama. So when things settled down, we decided that he deserved a quiet place and I wheeled him into the freshly fogged play place where Trixie had spent the night. He took his time to get out of his stand alone. (The wires seem to confuse him. Perhaps he is short sighted). But once "FREE" he happily found a good place to curl up. I joined him at lunch time and he came out of hiding to quietly be with me and to explore after which he happily went back to his good place and went  to sleep. He will have a lovely time there tonight.

He didn't say a word through the entire process. Perhaps because we had a family brought in by a fosterer. (She kept one of her "lot" for a little longer). Included is Tommy who didn't shut up. He is an entire male so he pongs as he sings.

His lady love, Mia is in Incoming with their two kittens Bonnie and Lemmy.

Mia, the mum

Bonnie and Lemmy
The fosterer also brought in Peppa and Poe who may be related to Tommy. They are both tuxedos and 4-6months old sweeties.

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