Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Post script

 In the excitement of an exhausted modem, I forgot to tell the story of my arrival at Safe Haven on Wednesday morning. 

As I drove down towards Roseville Bridge it started to drizzle. I worried that I didn't have a rain coat and wonderd how would I get the garbage bags out to the bins without getting wet. 

When I arrived at Safe, it was obvious that the garbos had been there before me. They had emptied both the council bins and the residential bins. And this was at 7am!

Well, it solved my problem about getting wet. Later when the rain stopped, I brought the council bin up to unit 19 and filled it full with the bags on the verandah. 

Which means that everybody needs to take home a couple of bags. PLEASE.

Otherwise I will have to get to the cattery at 6am next Wednesday.

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