Thursday, February 17, 2022

More boys

 Violet's kittens names have been chosen: Iris, Lilac, Mauve, Magenta, Lavender

The kittens are too small for us to tell their sex yet. And these all sound like girl's names to me. I suppose you could change Magenta to Magento, Lilac to Liluke and Lavender to Laven. Dr Google tells me that:

The overall sex ratio at birth was 100 males to 92 females. There was a significant seasonal effect on sex ratio with litters conceived during the wet season (September to February) producing more males than expected and litters conceived during the dry season producing more females than expected.

 They are to go to a foster home on Sunday. I managed to change their birth towel to a clean one by enticing Violet out of their area with chicken. I closed the swing door, changed the towel and opened the door again before she had gobbled it all down.

Wanda + 5

I managed to change Wanda's towel as well after I took this photo of the kittens all lined up except for the sticky beak ginger one which is her own kitten.

Wanda's kittens

And while I was distributing chicken I noticed that Megsy had turned himself around. Let's hope that this is the beginning of him loosing his fear of us.

Blueberry's eye is still a little squinty but I didn't hear any sneezes today.
I had a lovely time hand feeding bits of chicken to Beauty, Amelia and Annie in turn. The only problem is that Amelia can put her paw into Beauty's stand alone to steal Beauty's food if the modesty sheet is not drawn around it. (Annie feels much better today, thank you. But Amy is not a happy cat in her condo on high.)

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