Thursday, February 24, 2022

Wrong names

 I have been confused. I will go back and correct previous blogs.

Poe is the big boy who has been desexed. Peppa is the little girl who doesn't get her share of food.

Peppa (L) and Poe (R)
Plus, Simba is the 8 year old, tabby male and Khandi is the grey tabby, 2 year old girl

Simba, 8 yo boy

Khandi, 2 yo girl

I know this because Irene came by this afternoon with a kitten to be microchipped and vaccinated. She knows everything about every(cat)body.

Tommy and Mia's kittens, Bonnie (tortie girl) and Lemmy (white and grey boy) have been moved to above where Khandi and Simba were before they moved out and Peach moved in. They are both heavy enough to be desexed and are high up.

Bonnie and Lemmy

Peach seems to have recovered from her move or was she exhausted by her upstairs neighbours.


Beauty, yet another black cat in residence has the most amazing eyes. They are both amber and green now that she is relaxed enough to look at you.


And Duke's eye operation seems to be successful. He can blink his right eye now. He is such a sweetie.


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