Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Baby names

 Sorry about no blog last night. The modem decided to go wrong, even though all the lights were shining. I left it to think about it overnight. This morning there were no lights so I turned it off, waited a bit and then back on again. It seems to have worked.

We had a quiet day yesterday. The only visitors were fosterers who came to pick up more baby cat food.

We were thrilled by the "Please clean" sign on Tammy's condo. We assumed that Tim has taken her with him on holiday. I wanted to leave it there to surprise and delight the rest of this week's vollies. But Irene assures me that we need every available condo for the raft of kittens that she has parked on foster carers. So I gave it a deep clean, with bleach, gumption, muscle power. . . . the full Monty.

There is only one boarder whose owner is very devoted and wants daily reports on how she is settling in. There are 70 other cats in residence, and one rabbit. Only 9 of the cats are on the Safe webpage ready for adoption.

Valentine is a new cat in Iso, aged 15. Her owner has moved to the old people's home. The kids were coming by occasionally to feed her. She is desperate for the kind of companionship that she is used to.

Trixie overnighted in the play place. She had a marvellous time and needed a good long sleep today to recover. I tried the Ragdolls there (separately). Augustus grumbled and grouched until he found the dog scratchy pole (brand name Buono Fido!) to curl up in to go to sleep. He wouldn't come out when it was time to go back to his condo. So I had to carry him in the scratchy pole to the condo. When there, he promptly got out of it, of course.


Darcee settled in well after Augustus (and fogging). He curled up and napped until I joined him for lunch. Then he sat beside me. He didn't want my salad. He just wanted pats. He is a nudger: stop patting him and he will prompt you to continue by nudging your hand. Cute!

There is a new cat below Augustus named Lee-Lee (as opposed to Lele). She is young and very sweet. Don't know her story.

The newborn kittens have names. Three of them came from Jayde's when Wanda was with them and knew that they were not her kittens. They are Pickles: the calico, Racoon: the tabby with swirls and Squiggle: the tabby with parallel lines. Sandy and I decided that Wanda's own kitten, the ginger should be a Q name and chose Quentin if a boy, and Queeny if a girl. I changed the birthing towel for a clean one.

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