Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Adoption Tails: Solar family

 I will gather the stories of Star and her kittens in this blog post. I will let you know when I add to it.

Saturn (adopted early September, 2022)

 1 day: The owners will be keeping the name Saturn for her. She is settling in lovely, eating all of her meals, using the litter tray and drinking water. She approaches the owners when they go in the room and rubs her head against them for pats. They got her a scratching post with a dangly toy and she has played with it all night. Saturn gets a little shy after some time so the owners have been giving her space but so far, she has been very lovely and affectionate. Saturn's right eye is quite squinty and has some dark yellow discharge that comes out of it. They are not too concerned as it seems to get better as her energy increases and she spends more time out of hiding.

Saturn, Sept 4
1 week: no response


1 month: Saturn's eye has completely recovered! She is very happy and playful. She and the resident cat have been introduced and they love to play together all day (and night). She absolutely loves her food and loves lots of cuddles.

Mars (adopted at the end of August)

 1 day: Toffee (formally known as Mars) is great. She was a little nervous coming home yesterday and stayed in her box for some hours. She came out at night though and was sniffing around the room. This morning, Toffee is very happy, tail up and wants cuddles all the time. She is eating and drinking well, having done a wee in her new litter box. All is good so far and the owners are very happy with the new addition to their family. The owner's daughter and Toffee are getting along very well also and are happy playing together. All in all, it has gone really well in this short period of time.

1 week: Everything is well. Toffee is getting more confident by the minute and she is already out and about in the house. The "little escape artist" does not want to stay in the same place very long. She is eating and drinking a lot too and going to the bathroom just fine, so everything seems fine with her and she is settling in nicely. She loves being around the owners and follow them around the house like a little puppy. They find it quite amusing. They are very happy to have a very social cat. They are continuing to monitor her as well as due to an eye that is still leaking and that she is still scratching a bit more than usual. Toffee seems happy and they hope it recedes over time. Other than this, Toffee is happy, engaged and confident!

1 month: The owner's family loves having Toffee around. It is nice for them to have a cat in the home again. Toffee is doing well and has put on half a kilo in the last 3 weeks, having been weighed at the vet. She is healthy and happy (and evidently hungry)!



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