Friday, October 7, 2022

Big gun Dora

 I'm told that the Germans invented an enormous gun called Dora in WWII. Our Dora was being the big girl about Safe this afternoon. She and Diego had the run of the place and Sooty was in the Top Cat. Eventually Dora spied some of Sooty's crunchies near the edge of the Top Cat and helped herself. Sooty was delighted to have a visitor and rolled on her back, stuck her paws towards Dora and generally acted like a tart. Rosanna took a photo. Sooty even approached my finger for a sniff.

Sooty making friends with Dora

With the help of some strong, young vollies we now have a store room rather than a junk room. Thank you.

They put Yin and Yan into the play place. Yan stayed in the igloo. So he was easy to get back into his condo. Yin went into the high rise hidey holes and it took Tim quite some time to extract him from the top most tier. When it came to chicken time, he was in his bed box. If he could have swung the trap door closed, he would have. Yan sniffed at his chicken.

Toby went home early. He has become everybody's favourite. What is not to love of 7.1 Kg of cat! His owner expected him to jump from his condo into his carry cage. I lifted him down. . . being strong. He was very happy to see his person and chirruped like a kitten.

Talking of kittens: Sammy and Cypher are no long kittens. It was their first birthday today. And Pluto purred on command for a potential vollie who came to check us out with her partner. They were so charmed, we might get him as well as her.

The new kitten Mary had her face cleaned (ugh), got some milk to drink (yum) and some chicken (heaven) which stimulated her appetite for her breakfast and enticed her to leave her bed box. 

I brushed Cheena and the bedding. (Bubbles declined the brush). Got enough fur for an extra cat.

Cheena (below) and Bubbles
Wanda is back. She is very unhappy. Her adopter
was using a spray bottle of water to control her "bad" behaviour under instruction from her vet. I don't blame Wanda for biting her when she was asleep.

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