Thursday, October 13, 2022

John made us laugh

 He came in from Dr Kim's next door and demanded who was parked in his car space in the basement. He said "Who owns a BMW?" . . . . . None of us!

Honey had a lovely time in the Top Cat while Guilia sat beside it and played with her. When Guilia left, she started to look for the escape holes. She would run a ping pong ball at all the cracks to test them.


I put Mogu and Kishu in the play place and she was interested in them (mostly him because he was running around). Not in an undesexed way . . . . just in the "I would like somebody to play with" way. One of the Supermodels was watching her. I really must learn who is who.

But I couldn't rely on a supermodel to tell me if Honey found a gap wide enough to escape through so I put her back into her condo and took down the Top Cat.

Later I put Opey in the Play Place. He was so happy looking out the window. His stand alone is in there with him so if his dinner is put in there he will hop back in to be wheeled out again to his corner. By the way, the paper rolls have arrived. Unfortunately they are super large toilet paper rolls ordered by mistake. We stashed them behind Opey's stand alone in the bookshelf there.


Cleo's kittens are growing like weeds. There are more kittens in Incoming. They arrived with a possibly tick bitten mother who didn't survive. And one of the litter didn't either. They are quite small, especially compared to Cleo's chubby foursome.

Cleo + 4

And Sara a vollie came with her parents to adopt Finn, the largest of Mia's kittens. He is already bigger and heavier than she is. He will share his new owners with two other cats. They might have to watch out that he doesn't steal all their food!

Finn's new servants



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