Friday, October 14, 2022

Adoption Tails: Rhapsody, Florence, Dan and Coco

  It was very nice to get this message about Rhapsody on the day that Finn was adopted. Rhapsody came with Mia and four kittens (one of whom is Finn). We couldn't decide if Rhapsody was the kittens granny or aunt. She was the shyest of them all, initially. Not now:


1 day: The kids have renamed Rhapsody to Silky. She is settling in well and is definitely a lap cat. She loves her cuddles and is super chill!1 week: Silky is getting more and more confident and is still super cuddly. The owner is surprised at how trusting she is, considering she was a street cat. She also thinks Silky is ready to explore more of the house! Silky currently spends short periods in the kid's bedroom. She gets time to explore and will get up on the bed for a cuddle. She is taking the lead with the exploration.

A bit chubbier Silky
1 month: Silky has settled in really well. Hew new big sister is still making it known that she's the boss but Silky knows her place and they have not had any bad run-ins. Silky uses a pillow like humans, actually seeking out pillows and laying her head on it. She also will stick her entire leg into her water bowl to clean her paws.


1 day: She’s used the litter tray and has been both eating and drinking. “Very happy and so are we”. They’re keeping her name.

1 week: “Florence is flourishing.” She is going to all rooms in the main part of the house. It’s quite at home with a three-generation household. Now likes being picked up so she can get a better view of what’s going on. She goes to her safe room when she’s tired.
1 month: Florence is doing very well. She runs the house and is allowed outside for some of the day. She comes inside by herself and prefers someone in the garden. She has also been registered with the council.

1 day
: He seems to be settling in well. He is mostly comfortable under the bed but has some social times and wanders around when unattended. So far he hasn't used the litter tray, and hasn't gone anywhere else. He's eating and drinking all ok. They’re undecided about renaming him at the moment.1 week: He is a lot more sociable and is hiding under the bed less.1 month: No response.


1 day: Coco has settled into the bottom shelf of her owner’s wardrobe. 

[with the insecticide!]
She is quite affectionate and is happy for them to pat and stroke her. She has had a little bit to eat and has used the litter tray. She purrs when her owner is near and stroking her. She has not made any attempt to pick Coco up. She seems OK. When she put Coco into the safe room, she didn’t seem happy so she left the door open and was looking at her owner from the wardrobe shelf this morning. She’s all cozy amongst the pyjamas. She has stayed there today. Her owner thinks she prefers to be in her room. She moved the litter and food into her bedroom for her.
I week setup
1 week: Coco has moved to the other room. She seems happy to be stroked and patted. Coco pushes her head towards her owner's hand as her owner approaches.
Happy Coco
1 month: It’s going really well! She has bonded with her owner and is very happy.

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