Thursday, October 20, 2022

Don't waste a good name

 The black cat that I called Mickey because Michelle brought him in on Wednesday, had already been named Shadow.

So Katie used "Mickey" for a ginger and white cat with a sore foot. (Perhaps somebody kicked him. He is very wary and street soiled). Young Mary has cleaned herself up beautifully and is now friendly.
I spent some time brushing out Cherry's undercoat which is excessively fine and gets up your nose and everywhere else. She clung to me as I brushed her. I don't know if that was because she was so grateful to get rid of the fluff or because she felt exposed down at ground level.  I imagine that her owners will think that we have starved her when they pick her up on Sunday because she looks slimmer,
And I brushed Yuki in the hopes that it might get her adopted. She tolerated it for a minute and then had had enough before I could get to her bib.


Chi Chi is still in the box

I gave Luigi a bit of a brush too. But he was more interested in CHICKEN!

We have another pair of torties on Naughty Row, under Melody. Don't know why we bother with beds sometimes.
Gia and Winnie

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