Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Adoption Tails: Bambi, Thumbelina, Cypher, Sammy

Bambi and Thumbelina

1 day: Bambi and Thumbelina ate some wet and dry food overnight and are out and about in their room, sleeping in separate boxes. Unfortunately, they peed on the bed. The owner suspects it was because he had put a lid on the bed and the kittens have mistaken the bed as the litter. He has since removed the bed and put in its old place the litter box.3 day: The owner is pleased to find Bambi and Thumbelina using the litter as intended and have not had any accidents since the first time. He affectionately calls Thumbelina a little "nerd" as she was hiding inside a computer when he was in their room cleaning up and feeding.

Thumbelina the nerd

 He also found her staring for hours at the door leading to the rest of the house when spending some time in the same space as them. The owner has tried to give both Bambi (hiding in a box) and Thumbelina (perched on a windowsill) a scratch but neither were particularly keen though Bambi did accept it. He has provided lots of cardboard boxes as hiding spots for the two and bought a cat tower for them to survey their new kingdom.1 week: The owner has had a little bit of success with Thumbelina (Lina) when initiating interactions. Bambi is still in hiding when he is around. He left the door open last night and now they are hiding under the couch which is where the owners sit so they are starting to get used to their presence. He will coax them back into their room later.

1 month: The owner has jokingly remarked that Bambi and Thumbelina "hate him" as they still run away from him at times. B&T have made some great progress and have started to wander around the house while the owner is still there, doing his own thing. They still freak out a little when he moves suddenly though. He has recently been able to start picking them up without "getting destroyed" though Lina is still not very keen but Bambi enjoys a little cuddle with petting. Lina is an "absolute food junkie" whereas Bambi just watches the owner throw snacks at her, giving him a good stare. Lina will happily eat snacks out of the owner's hands as long as he does not move much and will not even run away from him as long as he has food. The owner affectionately calls Lina an "absolute creeper" who is "plotting his downfall" with her "terrifying" stare down techniques from a distance. The brave Lina has started to wander down the house behind the owner very recently. She scrams off when the owner makes a move towards her but comes back less than a minute later. Both love to watch the litter robot, especially Lina who will jump up and stare at it while it does its thing. Since exploring the house, B&T have found a little outdoor enclosed area and love spending time there for a little sun baking.

Sammy & Cypher

In their foster home
1 day: Both Sammy and Cypher have been eating well and have used the litter tray for wees. They are definitely enjoying the few toys the owner has set up in the laundry room.1 week: Sammy and Cypher are going really well. they seemed keen to explore the house and they have been let out of the laundry room for a little while and they have since been doing zoomies and playing together. They are the best of friends and the owners find it so sweet. They woke her up at 4-5am playing together and running through the cat tunnel. She is very glad that they have each other and the two are definitely very entertaining. Sammy's purrs are very loud and the owner loves it! She has so much love for them already and feels that the boys have already come such a long way in just a week of staying with her.

2 week: Sammy has started to come out of his shell a lot more recently, shadowing the owner into the kitchen for food and playing with the toys. The boys are doing really well, becoming a lot more comfortable with the owner. They constantly beg for treats (which the owner guiltily admits they definitely get a lot of), playing lots with their toys. Cypher has started to come onto her bed and cuddling when she is half asleep.

cuddle time

1 month: Sammy and Cypher are so comfortable at home. Cypher loves the owner but wants to play constantly with her visiting boyfriend. She identifies herself more with Sammy... a lot more chilled out and want snacks all the time. Both boys always get her undivided attention, especially for playtime. She did not realise how hard it is to entertain two playful kitties. They keep her up some nights being crazy together when she is trying to sleep and waking her up way before she wants to get up. The owner usually gets up and cleans their litter and feeds them, returning to lay in bed for a while until they wake her up again. "Cats are a good alarm clock." The boys have definitely given her a new reason to live since the passing of her previous cat Lilith. Sammy and Cypher are very loved here and she feels so lucky to have given them this second chance to life! She is writing this at 1am because the boys have woken her up for treats despite the endless dry food provided throughout the day and wet food in the morning and night. The owner thinks the boys are a bit spoilt!

play time

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