Sunday, November 20, 2022

The sad in the glad

 I was delighted yesterday to notice that 5 cats had disappeared from our website's "Available for Adoption" list: Dora and Deigo, Lisa, Sophia and Scout (of Gia and Scout: the grey. . . . of course).

Sophia went with the woman who adopted Scotch not long ago.

You can see why he wanted a grey haired cat:
Scout's adopters
And don't these folk look perfect to love Lisa as she deserves:
Lisa ready to go home

Dora and Diego were also missing from the available for adoption list. But, Terry wrote:

Sadly those adoptions and the amount of merchandise we sold yesterday was soon forgotten when Diego had a seizure late yesterday afternoon.  He and Dora had been playing around the office as usual when he went back to his condo, layed down and started gasping for breath. I ran next door to see if Dr Kim was there. As I came back to our office Fiona rushed him next door. I think he died in her arms.After quickly leaving messages for Katie and Tim I ran next door to be with him.Dr Kim said there was nothing she or us could have done for him. He had a genetic heart problem that was going to cause his death at some point of time. Like a young athlete suddenly dropping dead she said.It was extremely upsetting for Fiona and I. I had a really tough night as you could imagine.

Diego with Dora behind when they first came to us

 I have often said that Dora should have been called Delores to go with Diego. Now she will be Dolorous.

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