There is another new kitten, Midnight in Incoming. This one came with his mum who is a young cat. He is only three weeks old but is enormous! As big as the four in the stand alone. It just shows what a difference it makes when you have a mum, Pumpkin to feed off continuously.
Midnight and Pumpkin
He is bigger than Margot who is still adorable and twice his age.
Margot |
On Naughty Row are a pair of 6 month old kittens, Tabby and Tibby. Tabby has cerebellar hypoplasia which means that she wobbles. But she makes up for her defect by being super sweet and upstages her sister Tibby
Tibby |
Tabby |
Dr Chris came on Tuesday to vet check some cats. He wasn't very happy with Tiger who has bad teeth as well as his hypersensitivity to food and something hard in his tummy. But he looked tigerish this afternoon when Robyn took his photo and ate all the soft special food I gave him.
Tiger |
And Kit Kat is looking much better. He got passed by Dr Chris. He let me pat him.
Kit Kat
And Ginger smiled at me. If you look closely you can see that he has only two canines: one on top and one below, on opposite sides of his smile.
Ginger |
Catsie came to tidy our laundry shelves. They look splendid! Let's keep them that way. (She actually came to keep me company because Sandy has broken her wrist. Sandy moved quickly out of the way when a woman with two dogs passed her on the street, fell over a tree's roots and . . . ouch. We wish her a speedy recovery and know that her cats will love having her lazing around at home more. Purrs heal and she will get lots of those.)
Follow up on the humungous cat tree: It is huge. I moved it onto the space by the front door where we used to have large cat trees for sale. It fills that space to the ceiling: more so than the previous ones. Great job Ark to put it together.
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