Friday, November 4, 2022

Things to do with stuffed animals

. . . . the toy version of stuffed animals. We seem to be the recipient of many of these most of which are too big for cats to play with and they aren't much use for cushions for them either. But today Rosanna collected all the biggest, boldest critters to put in her new vegetable garden because she has been told that they scare the brush turkeys away. 

I decided that the left overs would look cute on the humongous cat tree just inside our front door.

And the laundry shelves still look amazing.

And the stand alones have been rearranged because of the vollie traffic jam around the cleaning trolley. Now Opie can be entertained by Mia's kittens across the doorway. And Dexter is where they were and the trolley is where he was next to the filing cabinet.
Except that Opie is enjoying the play place overnight. Jacqui's cats had to be moved out into Boarding condos because some new boarders have paid for play place time.

When I went to hand out chicken in Naughty Row the lower one by the fridge was not secured. I stuck my camera in to see if there were two cats in the carrier. Luckily they were both there. Later I tried to take out the door. Luckily I had the forethought to put on the big blue glove. They did NOT want it moved.

Winnie +

Tabby loved the chicken especially when I held the dish for her. She managed to lick it all clean despite her wobbles at the end. So we gave her a dish on a non slip stand from the merch shelves.

Tabby cleaned the bowl
We didn't have any adopters today but did have a couple of phone calls. One wants a cat who won't be underfoot and will be happy on a farm. We suggested Max, or Opie. Geoff set Max up in the Top Cat after he installed the board that he cut to link the upper condo to the top level of the scratchy pole. Max used it and settled into the hammock.

Then an older lady rang to ask about Sampson. She wants an adult, male cat who won't cling but will be a good companion. She will come in on Monday morning to meet him. Fingers, toes and eyes crossed!


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