Tuesday, January 17, 2023

BIn Happy Day

 We now have a second rubbish bin. It was filled and put on the street in time for the pick up this morning. Helen took home 15 bags over the weekend. So the poo bag mountain is melting like the . . . . any comparison that springs to mind is just too ecologically depressing on such a happy occasion.

We had visitors. One came with a large box of single scratchy poles, brand new that we can sell (or give one each to all the cats in Welfare who needs a scratchy) amongst other things. She had a thorough conducted tour. Another woman was delighted to find us because she has a business cat sitting for clients on the other side of the harbour. She often gets cat things given to her by her clients. She is happy to have somewhere to donate them on the side of the bridge that she now lives on. Somebody else rang to offer us a feather doona. . . . no thank you. A couple came to inspect Pearl and Ginger. They have a FIV cat at home and would like another. Peach froze while Ginger who happened to be out when they visited, threw himself at their feet and was his charming self in spades. They chose Peach because they think that Ginger (George) will easily get a home. They will come back on the weekend to do the deed.

Jasmine's kittens in the play place have figured out how to play with the reticulated python toy.

Max was very happy to be offered the Top Cat.

His neighbour is Libby. I had to wake her up to give her a pill with her dinner. She was fast asleep and only woke up after I stratched her forehead for 5 seconds. . . . most uncommon. Once awake she headed straight for her food bowl.

Last Friday, Puss fell asleep and did a face plant on his shelf. He woke up as I pulled my camera from my pocket. . . . a much more usual reaction to being looked at even though asleep.

Melody was out this afternoon. She seems happier out of the far corner of "Better Row"

And Lola just wants to play when she tries to scratch you.
Rosie and Callie are due back next week. Sigh.

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