Thursday, January 26, 2023


 Firstly, news of Cleo. She seems to be doing well.

Secondly, we have our New Year lucky black cat, Johnny. Don't know if Johnny is a boy or a girl. S/he was delivered yesterday by some people who said that they didn't want her and then left! S/he, of course, is shattered. I just hope that this is not the start of a trend. Or we will have to frisk folk at the door for hidden cats to smuggle in.

Joni is getting used to her new digs. She came out of her cat carrier when there was a visitor this afternoon and almost smiled.

Joni and Taylor's tail
The visitor wants a cat to fill her empty nest as her two teenaged sons are off to ANU soon. She has a 14 year old King Charles spaniel who is a sook. She wants an older cat. I tried not to push Ginger George too hard at her but he did behave beautifully flopping at her feet. But she also liked Libby (what is not to like when she is awake). She will be back tomorrow with her strong minded friend who owns a carrier.
He needs to loose the Cattitude sign.

A neighbour couple came to visit. The man was very comfortable with cats. He picked up Ginger George and rolled him onto his back. I wouldn't be so bold. But no blood was spilled.

Dexter is boarding. Remember how miserable he looked when he first came to us. . . . all mangey. Then he was grumpy and bored in his stand alone. He is quite charming now.


Jasmine and her kittens are still in the play place. The kittens seem to have got over the STARVING stage so she is not so desperate for food either. Makes it easy for the vollies to go in to play with them.

Piglet was hiding when Robyn took these photos on Wednesday.

PS: Apropos the title: Jolene, I am told, doesn't like to use her litter box when there are people around. She was looking very swollen in the tummy this afternoon. But should be slim by the morning.

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