Thursday, January 12, 2023

Biggest donation ever

 When I arrived at half past noon, it was not the usual state of mayhem. Two of the trainees didn't come at the last minute: one had covid (thanks for staying away) and the other had a house inspection (good idea to stay home). A woman looked lost so I asked if I could help. She explained that she came to look at Archie whom she might foster from next weekend if he doesn't get adopted in the meantime.

She has to set up things at home. She might bring in her housemate to meet him during the week. I said that we would put a carrier in his condo that he can hide in and make the transition easier.

Then a man came to adopt a kitten from a foster home. This is the second cat he has had from us so he was in the system and he knows the routine. It was the quickest, smoothest adoption that I have done. 

Then a woman came in with a humongous donation. Arc had to go down to get a trolley-load of stuff three times. There is a teetering tower of clumping litter in the junk room. If you use it, please take a box. Or tell your fosterers to come and get a box or two. There was lashings of food in boxes and bags. I got so confused trying to find space for it all that I added a pair of boarders food to the general pile. Luckily Tim sorted that out. The lady benefactor was shown around by Tim and Katie.

Then a woman came in, scantily clad, to adopt a kitten from a fosterer. She had the kitten with her because it needed a shot. Tim attended to her. (It seemed to take much longer than my adoption earlier.)

Rosanna has devised a new way of using the Top Cat. Geoff approves. Tabby and Tibby had a lovely time playing there with Amber. Later Helena and Kate wandered around. In the meantime Ginger George had been let out to wander and his condo door was left open. H & K both went in and rolled on his bedding. Won't he have a surprise when he is put back!

Open top Top Cat

George loves to plop in front of me

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