Thursday, January 19, 2023

Irresistable Peach

 They came back early to get Peach today. She didn't really want to get into a carry cage but luckily Tim did the adoption and the transfer so no blood was shed. Here is the proof:

"Please Clean" on Pearch's condo

You can tell it was in the later part of the afternoon because Yin and Yan are out on observation duty. There is a plan afoot to move them to the pair of condo's with the connecting hatch currently occupied by Lucky and Suki.

A couple came in today looking for a "bonded" pair. They were after Midnight and Pumpkin but as they don't want the cats until Feb 20. . . . that train has left the station. They will keep an eye on the website between now and then now that they have met everybody. 

If the move of Yin and Yan works well, I suggested that Sydney be added to the mixture so that that family of boys can be reunited. 

Chikka has been moved to next to Max (on the other side from Libby)

She was a bit shocked. She had been in boarding and Rosanna let her out for a wander this afternoon. Salazar spotted her and chirruped in a very suggestive manner. 

Archie was adopted yesterday (or Thursday) by the person who was going to foster him. Chessy has moved into his condo. She has had some changes in the last week or so! (From male to female, desexed, moved).


She is now next to Rebel who was playing with his ping pong ball after chicken time.

A pile of cat carriers went to the vet for check ups this afternoon: Jolene, the little kitten in Incoming with the underdeveloped legs, Tiger with the funny tummy and Puss with no teeth.

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