Thursday, January 5, 2023

Frantic Friday

 One result is this:

The remaining three ABBA kittens were adopted today. Agnetha and Bjorn went to an enthusiastic teenager and her parents first. They were torn between them and Pumpkin and Midnight but Bjorn had called to the daughter over the www. 

Later a family came to find a kitten to replace their dark tortie who died not so long ago. Amber looked too much like their previous cat and they wanted somebody to go with their 8 year old boy cat. So they chose Freda who was looking very sorry for herself with her siblings gone.

Alongside these adoptions there was a superfluity of vollies and trainees, folk coming with donations of such generosity that they deserved a conducted tour around all the cats, folk coming to pick up their boarding cats who were more, or less, eager to go home. Tilly/ Daphne didn't really want to go but she will be back. Fosterers came in with kittens to be vaccinated including the fosterer of Sushi and her litter. Sushi is in the small stand alone. She is very sweet and a little shy.

Her remaining two kittens are in the stand alone beside the trolley.

Pork Bun

Lots of cats got to wander around enjoying the visitors. Max got time in the play place (as all boarders who paid for time have had it.) He is happy to be carried there by Katie.

I didn't get to eat my lunch until 3 - 3:30. At which time I decided that it was too late to hand out the chicken. But Rosanna was so horrified at the idea that the cats would go without their Friday chicken that she offered to stay late to share it out. And Katie wanted some for the Incoming cats too. I got away just as Tim came back from the vets with Coco (check up), Cleo (desex) and somebody else. Opey was let out in the hope that Tim will get him back into his stand alone when he came back from the vets. As I left Opey's expression dared me to walk past him.
Opey is all bluff


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