Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Exchange Row

 The Naughty Row needs a new name. This week I suggest Exchange Row, or The Exchange. It is where things change from bad to good for the cats who come in. 

For example, remember Chester? He came from a vet with various other cats and was said to be desexed. He was in Incoming first and was withdrawn/shy. Then he moved out back and started to become much more friendly. Then he started to call out to other cats. Then Tim had a good view of his back end and realised that he is a she and that she was coming into heat! So Chester is now Chessy and will wail until she is really desexed.

We had the minimum number of vollies today which was still good as Sandy arrived in the afternoon to help clean up out back. And one vollie brought her sister who stood and watched the cats until I found her jobs to do. . .. the boxes of plastic gloves are stored in the bookshelf behind Opey. There are only two packs of toilet rolls left there (hurrah!). Next I asked if she like putting things together. She did. So I got her to assemble the pingpong roller track that had been left on the drying table.The idea was that it go into the play place. But it was too big.

She made is half as extensive and Jasmine and her kids will learn to play with it. And we will get used to it looking like a reticulated python.

There were visitors. One came looking for a young cat (not a kitten) for her unit. She is expecting visitors in a fortnight to the room which should be the cat's safe room. We decided that she should delay her decision until those visitors leave. She rather liked Lucky! Fingers crossed.

Other visitors came with donations and got to visit with the cats by way of thanks: one lot adopted Tom and ? 2 years ago (and changed their names immediately) from us and are very happy with them. Another came with donations because their cat died of urinary failure. They will be back when they are ready. Another brought in a splendid crate and a bag full of ? mouse hidey holes (too small for cats) that can be suspended!

We have a kitten in Incoming who needs physio on her back legs. This entails gently pulling her back legs every afternoon. She is getting much better. Her name is Jolene.

Jolene, nothing wrong with her appetite
Phantom will have company perhaps.
Phantom's funny way of sitting
And finally, I don't know why Demi and Winnie are still with us. Such loving cats.

Demi and Winnie cuddle

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