Wednesday, February 15, 2023

GGG is back

 Georgous Ginger George is back. Somebody in the family is allergic to cats. He was grumpy today. He swiped at (and damaged) a vollie. But when I went later to tell him how pleased I was to see him, he forgave me and let me take off the collar, with a bell and fluorescent stripes. He is happier now. 

Gorgeous Ginger George
And he has Salazar for a neighbour two doors up, Mia below, Rosie and Callie coming out of seclusion below left.
Rosie and Callie (in front)
There are new cats too. Couldn't get a photo of Charlie and Champ as they were hiding in their carrier. Don't know where Simon, Alvin and Ruby (the mum) came from. They are sticking together in the smallest space in what used to be Rebel's condo. Perhaps his grumpy aura lingers!
Simon, Alvin, Ruby
 Sydney has gone to foster with one of our fabulous vollies.

The wobbly scratchy pole in the Top Cat has been replaced by another of the humungous cat trees that sits by the front door. It fills the Top Cat and is a bit cumbersome to maneuver. But if you slide it around and put it close to the condo doors after opening them and then quickly put the Top Cat frame around it before the cat in the condo makes a bolt for it. . .  it works a treat.

Chika did come out when TDs tempted

The wobblers enjoyed it while it was in the middle before dinner time.

Tibby and Jolene at play

NB: If you let Phantom out while Tibby and Tabby's condo is open, put the food onto the upper level. He is not supposed to eat anything by ZD and Tabby sometimes leaves some crunchies for later.

And there are new big kittens in the "Meet and Greet" Stand alone. Didn't take note of their names. They are more friendly with other cats than with people.

Phantom and phrends

Chanel died of parvovirus earlier this week. So we are anxiously watching all the cats for symptoms. 

Late in the afternoon a very nice man came to adopt Aladdin and Jafar. Unfortunately, Aladdin had been adopted the day before. He really wanted two more male kittens to go with his male kitten at home (!) I tried to convince him that a girl kitten would be a good idea but he adopted Jafar and has taken him home. He will be back for another boy kitten when one is available.