Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Traffic chaos

 I was very late today because all the traffic from the beaches had been channeled into Mona Vale Road. We crawled up the hill. I could have walked faster. But it was rather nice to have the time to examine the rock walls and the ferns and the waterfalls cascading down the man-made drains. 
Nevertheless, I got to SAFE before the garbos had come so got rid of lots of poo bags. There had been a clean out of the junk room/store room over the weekend which generated bags of old towels, mattress covers, etc, etc. I binned some of them too. Some I put on the shelves which are now full. Others I gave to a vollie who is about to become a WIRES vollie and the price of that membership is some old towels, pillowslips, cloths, etc. She went off very happy to have found a source.
The clean out of the store room is because it will become the Isolation Room when we get John's play room just to the right of our front door. This is supposed to happen in 7 days. Imagine!
The cleaning crew got through their work in record time. Not being able to play with the cats makes it much faster. I got my kitty cuddle by having to move Ginger George into the main cat room because he is now available for adoption again. We both enjoyed the cuddle.
Ginger George

He is in Chikka's condo because she was adopted this morning. (I wasn't aware that she was available until she was gone.) She went with an older woman whose cat has recently died and she can't be happy without a cat. 
On Sunday Demi and Winnie were adopted. Their stand alone was set up to receive Paul tomorrow at 11am. I understand that he was the second cat that we adopted. It must have happened before we got these premises. There is no record of him on this blog. His name has been changed to Mr Milo.

The condo cards say that there are 9 tiny kittens where Yin and Yan used to be. I didn't see them. So far they well. We need to keep strict parvo protocols to ensure that they stay uninfected. Chanel will be coming back soon as she is much improved but some other kittens in Incoming are not well.

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