Thursday, February 9, 2023

Too sick for chicken

 One of the smaller pair of kittens in the stand alone in Incoming is so stuffed up with the flu that she breathes through her mouth and can't smell anything. She is not interested in eating. I couldn't get her to even try some delicious chicken juice. The kitten that came in with her had some. So did the older two who came in earlier. They aren't related. They just couldn't fit anywhere else. But everybody else told me that there is not enough chicken. I gave the plastic bag to Lola to lick and could probably have used it again it was so clean.

The family in the stand alone by the front door sort of liked it. Mum, Ruby definitely had had chicken before.

One boy was keen, the other not so much. I don't know which is whom of Alvin and Simon. The boys have fabulous stripes. They have been in a foster home for a while.
Alvin and Simon

A woman came to get her pair of kittens vaccinated and the adoption paperwork done. She was able to take them from their first foster home in time for the kittens to be Christmas presents for her daughters. The kittens have lived with the family ever since and were now, after being given their last vaccination, finally ready to be paid for. She brought one of her daughters with her. The daughter was disappointed that Opey didn't hiss at her as he had the last time she visited!
Opey, IC lobby

One of our boarders did a perfect hand stand when he jumped down from his upper level to get some chicken. Of course, when I went back with the camera later, the hand stand was not quite so long lasting but then, I didn't have any chicken left! (Mine is not a fast, iPhone camera but a Canon really camera)
Having saved the best news for last:

Rebel has been fostered. By Mariko. And her 22 mice. All in separate boxes. In another room in her flat. 

I would put my money on Rebel.

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