I made a mistake on my last blog. Chanel didn't die. She is with the vet being treated for something, serious. But kittens in Incoming did die of parvovirus: the two smaller ones in the stand alone beside the Royal Canine stand alone and one of the ones with Venus in the stand alone across the room. It seems that parvovirus is running rampant in the western suburbs and goodness knows where these kittens came from. They may have brought separate bugs with them. The Royal Cannon stand alone was moved out of Incoming yesterday. But Roxy's kittens were not looking very energetic and not eating (!) this afternoon. So they were rolled back into Incoming. The cats, McGreggor and Donatella who were moved out of Incoming on Wednesday were moved back there. And it is a no-go zone for all but a few staff/vollies so that we can try to contain the source of infection. https://pets.webmd.com/cats/what-to-know-about-feline-parvovirus has lots of good information.
Tim has vaccinated all the cats that he can in the hope that we can stop cats getting very sick. Kittens are more vulnerable than adults. So there is to be no more random cuddling of kittens and no cats are allowed out to run around to play. Phantom was not happy at being shut in this afternoon.
Phantom |
And Opie complained loud and long.
Opie |
Some cats couldn't give a . . . . . like Chessie: who would
rather be alone. Perhaps we should have called her Greta.
Chessie |
Demi and Winnie were not so upset by the lack of attention but the fact that they didn't cuddle together in one hammock. The tie of the upper hammock came undone and they were forced to find other places to sit.
Here in the process of getting back together after I tied the bow again.
And we have a new cat, Simba. Don't know where he came from and I couldn't give him a welcome cuddle because we are in lock down.
Simba |
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