Thursday, February 23, 2023

Good News

 The good news is that somebody rang from the Blue Mountains to ask for Chichi. They had taken one cat from the home of several (?5) cats that she came from but couldn't take more at that time. Now they can take another. They promised to come tomorrow. So this is the happy photo:

Chichi not excited yet

The bad news is that two of Roxy's kittens succumbed to parvo overnight. We have lost 7 kittens so far. But we have RAT-like tests and various cats have been moved out of Isolation. (Luckily, for the testers, the test sample is poo rather than a throat swab. Imagine trying to get a nasal swab from any sized cat!) 

The lucky negative cats are:

Donatella and McQueen who are in the 3 wheeled stand alone just inside the door: Later in the afternoon they were having a wonderful game of "king of the castle" but. . .  by the time I figured out how to video them on the Safe mobile phone, they had stopped playing.

The small stand alone is reserved for the C kittens, whoever they are. Their neighbours are  Calvin and Vivienne.

Vivienne and Lola: not on the best of terms

Milo was delivered on Thursday. He was the second cat that Safe rehomed. That was before we had our current premises. So he is thoroughly discombobulated at being put into a stand alone (which used to be Winnie and Demi's). If he wasn't such a mature cat, I would say that he is sulking.

Biscuit tested negative and moved out of Incoming into the Better Row. (Don't take the stuck-out tongue as a comment on Better Row. That is just the way his tongue lies.)
And Alfredo tested negative so has been moved to the Boarding row on the highest condo. He is a chatty cat. When found he had a flap of flesh hanging from his neck. A good Samaritan found him, took him to a vet who stitched him up. He still has shaven bits and lengths of thread hanging from his neck but he is very chatty and REALLY wants to make friends.
Alfredo on high



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