Friday, February 10, 2023

Adopton Tails: Penwing, Diva and Scout, Gia, Earl and Dave

 Penwing, aka Angel

 They adopted JJ (Mia's kitten - now renamed to Cleo) and then adopted Penwing after she was returned to Safe.  

1 day: The family loves her already - she is such a lovely girl! They will  change her name to Angel. She hasn't done a poop yet and only a little wee, being more nervous than Cleo was. They are taking it slow and Angel does play with them but also likes to hide away. She eats her food which is a good sign.1 week: Angel is still in their daughter's room and Cleo goes in to play with her now. As Cleo is a bit more confident, playtime is still limited because Cleo can play a bit too vigorous for Angel. They are definitely becoming friends! Angel is aware of Lexi (the dog) but they are taking it slowly. “She’s a purry, beautiful happy girl. I’m smitten!!”1 month: Angel and Cleo are totally settled into the family! “Couldn’t imagine life without them”. Angel is a little shyer than Cleo, but she’s not scared of Lexi anymore, and Lexi loves them both so much. Angel and Cleo definitely remember each other. They play fight, snooze together, and Angel likes to groom Cleo. “Angel is super loving, a total purr machine. Our family is complete, we just adore both our catties!” 

1 month

Their owner is very grateful for SAFE. "I just want to give them the best chance I can. Love them so much! And I'm so glad we ended up with them both, it's been the happiest outcome!"

Diva and Scout

1 day: They're doing wonderfully, super playful but also cuddly and sweet. They've used the litter tray and are eating and drinking pretty well. Scout is eating a bit less than anticipated but she's still had food.1 week: They are going great. They rushed out of their safe room and have taken it as their domain. Diva has been renamed Piper and Scout’s name will remain as Scout.

1 week
1 month: They’re doing great! They’ve definitely grown a lot and have discovered the joys of exploring the higher spaces in the house. They’re so cuddly and sweet, both with each other and the rest of the family. They went to the vet for a checkup and they seem to be super healthy and progressing well. “We’re so happy they are part of our family”.
1 month


1 day: She’s in a room on her own and the owner’s daughter has spent most of the day near her. She appears to be eating and drinking a little bit. She has been in the litter box but has not used it, just kicked the litter around. She’s becoming friendlier and is happy to have lots of pats and is purring. She’s been moving around in the room but is still jumpy if they make a sudden noise or approach. They’re keeping the name Gia and her nickname is GiGi. 1 week: Gia is eating, drinking and using her litter normally now. She’s still very nervous. Her owner saw her sleeping on the bed today but she jumped off as soon as she entered Gia’s safe room. They have a very excitable dog and a resident cat so they’re managing it carefully. GiGi got a fright from their dog the other day and she climbed up the timber window frame. She also met the other cat yesterday and it went quite well.

1 month favourite sleeping spot

1 month: Gia has settled in well. She had a big adventure the other day - she managed to escape out of the window on Thursday and returned Monday morning. She knew where she lived, returned in one piece, and was reasonably hungry. She has met the resident cat and they tolerate one another. For the most part, she remains separated from their resident dog. She does a great job “holding her own” versus the puppy who just wants to play.

1 month: not so favourite frog hat


 The owner previously adopted Dave in April 2022. He was a really tiny, friendly, black kitten.1 day: Earl is doing okay but has been quite scared. Yesterday he huddled in his carrier and didn’t leave except to eat a small amount of dry food. He also had his vaccination yesterday so his owner assumes he was also quite tired. Today, he’s eaten both wet and dry food and has peed, but has not gone poo yet. He’s been exploring his safe room a lot more. He runs to hide if someone opens the door but they’re just being patient. He met the owner’s grandma and they snuggled together. “He’s so lovely and friendly!”2 days: Earl is in his room and he’s significantly more confident. He even followed his owner down the hall to her bedroom (while the resident cat Dave was in another room) and explored the bedroom. Dave has been really curious about Earl and has been lying outside the door meowing. The owners got back from grocery shopping and Dave is lying outside Earl’s room where they’ve been playing footsies under the door gap. There have been no claws, no aggression, no hissing or anything. She put a towel in front of the door overnight and Dave slept on it and was lying next to the door all night.1 week: He’s going well! Both cats were really eager to meet so they let them have time together. Dave was a bit standoffish at first but now, all they want to do is to be together. His owner doesn’t keep them together constantly. They like to play rough and roughhouse, and Dave can be quite rough with Earl. They both play-fight but Dave seems to take it a bit overboard. When this happens, they are immediately separated but Earl wants to play again and gets upset if he’s separated. Neither one shows aggression, but Earl might let out a hiss when Dave goes too far. His owner took Earl to their mum’s house to see how he coped. He was very wary at first but now loves it. Yesterday, he was playing, zooming around the living room and cuddling with everyone. He wasn’t as quick as Dave to adapt to the new environment but seems to cope quite well, to the point where they struggled to get him into the carrier. 1 week and 1 day: This morning they were super grumpy. Their owner had to separate them because their fight got aggressive. Dave is letting Earl pounce on his tail now.

2 weeks

2 weeks: The boys have been making really good progress together. They still roughhouse a lot but now their owners let them tire themselves out, and they end up sleeping next to each other. They still sleep separately overnight. This week, their owner is going to leave them together for short periods to see how they go. They’ve also been sharing food really well. Their owners have never encouraged it but would find them randomly sharing their dry biscuits as they wait for the other to finish. They have two bowls but want each other's food.

1 month: on Catio
 1 month: They’ve both been really good! They’ve both settled so well. They love wrestling and still play rough but they cuddle a lot. Their owner set up a catio in their laundry area and they love it. Their owner wanted to plant cat grass but they sleep in the pot.

1 month: best mates

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