Wednesday, July 5, 2023

PS Maisy



And the lady who adopted Maisy came in to see if we had a laser toy. Or any other toy that she doesn't already have. We didn't.

It seems that Maisy is the crazy playing cat who demands constant attention. 

When she is not playing she is cuddling, cooing and smooching with her owner.

Needless to say, her owner is delighted.

But she plans a holiday, for the first time in a dozen years and is worried that Maisy will not forgive her if she goes away. She plans to board Maisy with us for one, or two, nights before she goes just to see if she will cope. And if all goes well she will board Maisy with us for the week that she is away. She was rather horrified to see that some of our boarders (the laid back ones) were scheduled to be with us for a month. Likewise some of the cranky ones!

But the alternative is to pay somebody $650 to live in with Maisy for a week!

1 comment:

  1. Prue hi! I manage the sales related stuff and I’ve got some laser toys on the shelf for sale. Although she may already have them. There are some in the grey basket with misc toys for sale too :)
