Friday, July 21, 2023

Still tidy

 The laundry shelves. I added to the stacks in a colour coordinated manner and went to get my camera to take a photo. On the way I noticed all the torties having their time out:

Donatella and McQueen nibbling a pot of grass

Callie watching from her condo (earlier she was in  Ginger George's stand alone)

Lyra sat in her condo with the door open all afternoon just watching

Helena up close to the barrier and Kate hanging back (as usual).

And I forgot to take a photo of the laundry shelves. And then got too busy to take any other photos.

Cookie was adopted late this afternoon. Her test came back negative so her person is happy. Her sisters are in the Lucky condo and are quite shy. Virgo has moved to were Maeve was. And Chia has moved to under Belle. (Shadow looks moth eaten around his rear). And two pairs of cats from Better Row have moved into their double condos below Libby.

Maggie and her crew may have ringworm but they are full of beans. They manage to squeeze out of the Royal Cannin standalone in the narrowest of door opening spaces. They can get through a gap that I can't get my hand through. Adele's lot are angels by comparison.

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