Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Goodbye Ginger George

 He was adopted today by a woman who has always owned cats (and or dogs) who lives in a retirement community in the Hills district. He will be renamed Tommy. Her friend adopted another Ginger from us some time ago and is very happy with him. Lots of photos on her phone showed how much he is loved and pampered.

Ginger George's new woman plans to train him to walk on a lead. I told her that she wouldn't have any trouble, tried to illustrate how easily he cooperates but he, cat-like, didn't cooperate at all. But she knows that she will get around him and take him up to the residential section of the village to be introduced to all the oldies there. Won't he love that!

And there is a stream in the gardens that she will walk him to. And trees to admire. And lots and lots of love to be had.

Ginger George soon to be Tommy

Gingi, in Incoming, is ready and willing to step into Ginger George's shoes.



Tia has gone up on the adoption list. Geoff offered a bet that she wouldn't be still here in a week. Nobody took him up on it because she is grey and smoochy.


And Bella says.. .  "grey schmey. . . . black is beautiful" and "why is my bowl empty?"


1 comment:

  1. So excited for beautiful Ginger. So happy to read the wonderful news
