Wednesday, July 19, 2023

No kittens

 Well, no kittens available for adoption. Virgo and Chia are on their own. Neither looks pleased about it.


Donatella was much friendlier today. She jumped out to play and let me pat her (once).
And Lyra has decided that people are not so bad and allows some head scrunches.

But the most noticeable thing that happened today is:


The C kittens (not yet desexed despite their size) in the play place were fascinated to watch the mop go up and down the windows. Sue even made a new, laminated sign to remind folk to ask the day manager if you want to change the bedding.

PLUS: Catsie rearranged the clean towels, etc, shelves. They are now good enough to grace a very superior bathroom supply store. The colour coordination is ace. Thank you, Catsie and thank you everybody else for keeping them pristine for at least a week. . . . . please.

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