Wednesday, July 5, 2023

She came

As promised to adopt Tiger and Maxwell. She brought her partner who had to sit on a stool because Tiger was on the guest chair! It will be interesting to see how they get on together. 

A woman arrived earlier to adopt Venus. But Venus hid in her carrier. Her condo mates/sisters were friendly enough but they aren't up for adoption. So I showed all the other available cats and the lovely lady feel for Lucky boy. I am sure they will be happy together as she is an experienced cat owner.

Robyn came to entertain the cats who were out. Helena usually runs around and plays but today Kate came out too. The toy was irresistible. Jagger needed it.

Jagger and Helena watch Kate play

Simon now jumps over the low barrier. He disappeared behind Opie's stand alone and pulled down his cover sheet. . . . just to annoy Opie.
Opie ignores Simon

While he was busy, his mum Ruby got head rubs from Robyn and was sent into a state of bliss

Happy Ruby   

How many canines does Ginger George have?

I finished putting pockets for nametags on all of the aprons. It really helps to know names of vollies.

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