Wednesday, July 31, 2024

A one photo post

 Again I didn't get my camera out this afternoon. And I don't have Joy's photos to fall back on because this is her "not on" week.

Just one by Catsie:

We were quite short of vollies today so Catsie did Incoming all by herself. And she noticed that Mickey went all gooey and smoochy when she gave Louie a cuddle outside Mickey's condo. To prove that it wasn't Catsie that Mickey was trying to entice, I held Louie up to his window and Mickey was entranced.

We had trouble getting Louie to eat anything. Remember that he was under the weather last week. And he had nasty black bits in one of his ears. It turned out to be clotted blood from a wound there. And his other ear has a red spot. . . . goodness knows what! We tried kitten wet food, Mother and Baby wet food without success. Then Sue gave him some adult wet food and he scoffed it down.

 There is only one kitten left in the enclosure next to Big Kahuna. She is named Garfield. She is obviously a she because she is a tortie. I added an -a to make her name Garfielda. 

See that bandaid on my left hand. It is a skin cancer that I will have cut off next Monday. The surgeon is threatening a boxing glove sized bandage to stop me moving my hand so that the graft can knit properly. So I may not be at Safe for some time from Monday next. But the blog will continue because I get updates from folk with two hands (and I can type with one finger).

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