Wednesday, July 3, 2024

No photos today

 For two reasons: I left my camera in the pocket of my jacket that is over the back of a chair in the Weaving Room at Brush Farm House after our meeting there on Saturday. Or I hope it still is!

And husband Jo used my mouse for his computer and it worked there but is not working back at my computer. So the photos I have on my computer are not available yet. Perhaps it will all sort itself out overnight.

The world is separating itself into the technologically competent and the technologically incompetent.

Eg, today a couple came in to buy the microchip controlled feeder that we had advertised. They wanted to pay cash. I don't know how to give a cash receipt and Peter (Irene's husband who was being my 2ic today) doesn't either. He talked them into giving us the $10 change as a donation and promised a tax deductible receipt. . . by somebody else.

I did manage to do the adoption of Harley to the woman who rang early to find out if she was still available and came sooner than she said that she would to do the deed. So Harley has gone. And, thanks to Charley, her condo has been cleaned for Twinkle to move into out of the stand alone where Cooper used to be. 

Twinkle in Incoming

His stand alone has been cleaned too, by Peter, and we moved Linda and her remaining 2 kittens out of the play place into it by the simple expedient of putting their dinner into it and the kittens jumped straight in. Peter had to grab Linda.

Another woman came by to check out our kittens for her family. She had been told that ginger kittens are the friendliest. I said that is probably because most ginger cats are boys (80%) and boy cats tend to be sookier that girl cats who like to rule the roost. 

Later I had a teary call from a woman who wants us to take her boy cat who attacks her and her husband for no reason. I told her to fill in the form on line which is what we tell everybody.

Next day: My mouse decided to play with my computer after being connected to it for a couple of hours. Wouldn't a cat like a mouse like that!

Some old photos:

Oscar waits patiently

Sukie likes pats but won't admit it, yet

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