Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Dark day

 The fire alarm system was being checked and they turned off the electricity in the morning. We asked for it to be turned on if they could have it off a bit later (after the work had been done.) We compromised

Bubbles and Squeek were deliberated over this afternoon by a young couple. The kittens behaved beautifully while being observed. I didn't tell the people that they had been fighting, wrestling and generally behaving like boys all day long. The people will be back tomorrow morning (early) to adopt them and for them to be vaccinated which might slow them down for a nanosecond. 

Bubbles and Squeek (or vice versa)

I hope that Tim has rounded up Stardust by then. When I went around to Boarding to feed them their dinner, Stardust's condo door was wide open. Surprisingly, there was no cat in the condo. He hadn't gone far. And, thank goodness, he was at ground level not on top of the condos. Eventually he found a good hiding place on the lowest clean linen shelf. After the folk who came to adopt one of the fostered cats had left Sue and I tried to entice him back into his condo. No go. So we left him securely stuffed onto the shelf with his dinner in a carry cage pressed up against the shelf. All Tim will have to do is to shut the door (we hope).

We tried to entice Amelia out of her condo this afternoon. She wasn't having a bar of the big wide world, thank you. She did tolerate pats and hair brushes. But not stepping out onto the conveniently placed stracthy pole.


Moet and Jerry are on the Available List. I suspect that Moet is the cat who got at the bags of crunchies stacked on the floor beside the food shelves on Better Row. She was very keen to get the door of the play place open today. I moved the secondary latch from inside to outside and it kept her in during the day. 

As are Miz and Riley. They are supposed to be bonded but Riley prefers Champ. She makes a bee line to his condo as soon as Charlie steps out. Not for the food because the girls have more in their condo. Charlie is inclined to wander into their place on the off chance of an extra nibble. Miz is not happy to share her space. She'd rather wander around. Cats are interesting.

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