Friday, February 14, 2020

Adoption Day at Petstock

We had the best spot . . . just inside the front door with space for four wheely cages and one more on top.

The kittens were in the wheely cages. D's, A's, M's and Peanut in with Blake. They got on very well mostly because Peanut was rather overwhelmed especially when the dogs barked. And Blake got adopted first. Of course!

He was adopted by the partner of a work friend of Joy's who had his heart set on a black and white female. He focused on Dale for a while but then heard that Blake was found abandoned in Marrickville and lost his heart (plus a fair chunk out of his wallet by the time he had bought all the things for Blake). We will hear about his progress through Joy, without a doubt.

Next to go was Dale. Another person determined to get a black and white cat! She had been upstairs to the other Cat Rescue group but was told that she would have to adopt two. We were happy for her to take Dale. We might get stroppy about his sisters needing to go together because they are much shyer. Dale handled being nursed and passed around really well.

But Caramel was the star of the show. Being on top on the wheely cage, her nose was at nose level to every adult that passed by. And she took full advantage to get strokes and adulation. One person was very keen for a relative to take her. I had to leave at 11:15 so don't know if that worked out.

The M kittens were overjoyed to be in a wheely with more space that the condo so were playing furiously. While the A kittens, without their little sister, were quite subdued. She must rev the boys up!

We handed out lots of business cards, and "come and see us" invitations. There was one woman who takes disabled (mental rather than physical) folk on outings. I invited her to bring them to Safe Haven, one at a time.

Can't wait to hear what happened after I left.

PS From Joy
Well the lovely Caramel eventually went after everyone who visited fell in love with her. She must have been exhausted as obliged everyone who wanted to stroke her! The lady who came in early this morning and thought she’d be ideal for her friend came back but she was too late as a mature lady (who lives in a unit in Newport) was there with her credit card and realised that she may be guzumped so that pushed her into swiping her card! I think Caramel will be happy with this lady and vice versa. 

Meanwhile two of the M tabbies went to the English lady with 3 girls but they are on holidays soon so, I think, will pick them up upon their return.


  1. The people came in and adopted the two M kittens on Monday - Maestro & sorry can't remember the name of the other one!

  2. Madonna was adopted today - someone who met her at the Adoption Day so that makes 6!
