Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Storm moved

Storm in Boarding Row
He has had to vacate the palace condo because we have a family of boarders there until Saturday afternoon. There are 7 of them, tabbies, all the same family which curious names.
I have often thought that we should trawl other languages to get names for kittens. I think these cat's people are Cambodian or similar from their accents. 

Our new Sootie has lost his modesty cloth. He is a friendly old boy (11yrs old) with an interesting history. He was owned by some folk who didn't make too big an effort when he disappeared 8 years ago. He moved in with another family in the neighbourhood. But when they had to move they couldn't take him so he ended up and the vets who found his original owners via his microchip. They didn't want him back again so he is with us.
He didn't eat anything for the first three days. Until it was discovered that he only eats BBQ chicken. On day 4 he ate LOTS of chicken. He had rejected everything that was tried from our considerable store. Just chicken. So those folk who kept him for 8 years spoiled him, somewhat.


There are only 4 A kittens left: Archie was adopted. Candace was desexed and looks beautiful in her Eliz collar.

Cooper and Caleb were desexed too. They are crazy cats.

Fred and Ginger have lost weight. They are not well so are still with us. As is Bailey.

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