Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Eden adopted

I always thought Eden was a boy: Ed = Edward, Den= Dennis. But Dr Google says that it can be used for either gender and is currently the 146th most popular name for girls. Who knew!

She will be picked up on Friday as the gift for a 12 year old and her 8 year old brother. The mother and granny came in today to do the paper work. It strikes me that we should take the name and contact details of young adopters, send a Xmas card each year to their cat, and eventually offer them a summer placement with us. That way we would get volunteers who know at least one cat intimately.

Eden will be a very happy cat this weekend.

And lots of our other kittens should be adopted at Petstock in Mona Vale.
We don't have many adults that would be happy in a cage in a shop. But Peanut and perhaps Caramel might go with the kitten litters. I smeared myself all over Caramel (while she cleaned my face for me) so I hope that she will make the effort to clean herself up by Saturday.

Blake will be a waste of a stand alone cage by himself. He is bound to get adopted first. He may have to be in a carrier.


We opened the bedroom door for Freda and Ginger. He had a lovely time exploring their new space. Although they are undersized, they play like 6 week old kittens which is very endearing. (As are their clean feet and bottoms!)

Freda and Ginger

A Cody update: He walks without a leash but with my supervision. He is convinceds a lizard lurks in the loose leaves.


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