Thursday, February 6, 2020

When it rains . . . . it floods

I was late at Safe Haven this afternoon because Babbage Road flooded. I had no idea where Babbage Road was so those signs that flash above you as you drive meant nothing to me. 

I learned that Babbage Road is the bit that connects Eastern Valley Road with Boundary Road. The traffic stopped on my way down to the Roseville Bridge and crawled up the hill. I detoured around the back of High Street to get to SH. To be met by Tim who had had the same problem when he delivered Dale and Danielle to PetO in Brookvale this morning to be desexed. His very clever app rerouted him through St Ives to save half an hour on his way back to East Roseville.

Poor guy has the flu and croaked this story to me plus the info that the kittens needed to be picked up this afternoon at 3:30pm. So I convinced him that he should stay warm and dry and I should drive in the rain. It took an hour to get to Brookvale. And an hour to get back to SH. Should have taken half an hour each way according to my TomTom which is nowhere near as savy as Tim's app.
Dale and Danielle

Nevertheless, Dale and Danielle survived the trip. They were super hungry when they got home.

Before I went I sterilized three Clean Me condos. I missed the fourth because I thought it was an alternative condo for the mixed litter. But was told that it was Felix's condo and he has been adopted. 
. . . . not having cleaned the kittens for a fortnight, I have lost track of them. The smallest of the mixed litter died last weekend. . . little blackie:

 Was Felix the biggest? But what is their relationship with Dale and Danielle who are with another D kitten above?

When I eventually got back, Tim was trying to get Buffy to take her pill laced food. Her skin condition has improved so much since she started on these pills that it is a pity that she has decided to spit out pill flavoured food.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Prue, my friend Anne sent me the link to your blog. I've noticed that Dale, Danielle another one I think they call her Diana are the kittens of this stray cat that always comes for food to our house. A grey British shorthair we call Roxy. Ome day she came with 3 kittens, one male tuxedo (Dale) and 2 female blacks (Danielle and Diana). I'm happy to find out that they've found a good home that look after them properly. I couldn't keep them as I've good two cats myself and live in a unit.

    I'm wondering what happened to the third one as she was didn't really like to be held.

    Thank you so much for looking after those kittens as I felt so bad to take them from their mother.


    Vera Segoh
