Thursday, February 27, 2020

The T-shirt says it all

Just after I arrived (to find all the work done by the morning shift) a couple arrived from Pymble to adopt Bailey. They are experienced cat owners. Their last cat dropped by to eat for 16 years but lived next door most of the time except in the winter when he came for a warm lap. The husband walks with a walker but is alert. The wife is super capable. Bailey will have lots of love and a garden.

My friend GIna arrived 10 minutes later to meet him. I sent her his photo a couple of months ago. She was going to come last week but couldn't pick up a taxi on Pacific Highway. It obviously wasn't meant to be.

So I introduced her and her friend Astrid to everybody. It took hours because all the cats were interested and interactive. They both loved Blossom but the ongoing meds could be a problem. And Penny loved Gina.
Gina will think about it. 

Freda and Ginger are a little better. They have both grown a lot since the last time I groomed them. Ginger was quite clean and not very wiggley. 

But Freda is not putting any weight on her front left paw and her tail was a bit crunchy.

In the middle of the afternoon a young man arrived with three plastic tubs of dog food, cat food, fish and rabbit food. I put the non cat food into one bin in the "office" and filled another with the towels on top of Tammy's condo. If you come across a suspect towel in the washing basket: chuck it out. We have HEAPS of them. (While Bailey was being processed I tidy-up-ed the linen shelved. . . . . LOTS of TOWELS).

1 comment:

  1. Hi everyone. If anyone asks me if we want towels, blankets etc it is a firm NO (obviously done nicely). And if anyone brings them I ask them to take them away. As you know we have nowhere to store the items we have never mind adding to them. I brought the issue up at the last committee meeting but got one comment that if we turn people away we'll never get them back & its better to accept them even if we have to put them in a charity bin. I don't agree & this makes no sense to me for us to add to our jobs. There seem to be piles of towels etc out there whether we turn people away or not.
