Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Wendell adopted

He just needed the right stratchy pole to sit on to look super adorable to get adopted.
Emily also was adopted this weekend. I made new hammocks (as the others were hairy and there were no spares. . .. that huge pile at Ingleside has probably been recycled: they were all cotton so will rot and replenish the earth) So Eden has two new hammocks in his enclosure. He chose to sit on the pink one. The other is blue. In Victorian times, boys were dressed in pink and girls in blue.

 The A kittens got new hammocks too. But there is only room for three on two triangles. I will have to make some square ones. They should all be desexed by next week in time for the big Adoption Day at Mona Vale on Feb 15.

A kittens

A kittens
Elsa had an exciting night. Her litter tray was completely overturned. I noticed, when on the chair to talk to her, that she grooms her bed. You can just see, in the photo, the combed/tongued patches beside her head.
Just before we left, a young woman came in and was impressed by Melody and by Peanut. I told her that he was the colour of her hair when he arrived (a slight exaggeration as she is redder than blond). Then Catsie told her what a lovely colour her hair was on her way out. She is to return with the boyfriend.

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