Friday, May 22, 2020

Change of plans

My plan was to have a quiet, short afternoon at SH smooching with the few cats who want to be loved on and taking an early mark.

Didn't work that way. A boarder arrived, Lulu, and eventually we discovered that the printer wasn't working because the magenta ink cartridge had run out. It would NOT print in black and white without its magenta. So the boarding paperwork had to be stolen from the pink folder. Job 1.

And Buffy is to be introduced to cooked chook. Tim had emailed me to pick up a chook on my way in but I didn't get it in time. Job 2.

Tim also asked me to pick up the desexers from Mona Vale vets (Harriets 4 kittens). Job 3.

And from PetO in Warringah Mall (Harriet and Apricot). Job 4.

I have just got home to the cry from both my males (Jo and Cody) "You are LATE."

The big surprise of the day is that Apricot is a girl. This wasn't discovered until she was on the operating table. What a good thing she has a non dis-gendered name.
Perhaps she looked so crushed because we gave her a boy doll. . . . despite the pink ribbon.

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