Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Boss Cockie

It was my first time at being boss cocky today. And I arrived to an open condo. The igloo was neatly placed on the floor in front of the open door. So I checked the day book to see if those two shy, surrendered cats (Hera and ?) had been adopted last thing on Tuesday. Nothing in the book.
I checked behind the block of condos beside the ghastly art work. There were two sets of eyes peering up at me.
So I left them there to think about the situation they had got themselves into. With no breakfast until after Ros and Joy had cleaned all the condos and it quietened down. Then we got busy with the broom stick and blankets. I almost got the tuxedo as he tried to squeeze past me by pressing him against my back and the condos. He wiggled away from me by ripping my shirt (sorry Catsie) and shot off to the top of availables condo block.
We turned our attention to the cat still behind the ghastly condo block. Joy pushed the broom at her and decided that she was stuck. . . must be a fat cat. So I pushed against the condos and made a wider space so that I could get to her. She was just catatonic. I picked her up and took her to Candace's condo. Then I pushed the ghastly condo block back into place and further against the wall. Only a one inch wide cat will fit behind that block in the future.
Isn't it surprising how strong you can be when the adrenaline is coursing through your veins?

Back to the tuxedo. He settled down behind Katies glam carry cage but we frightened him over the top to ground level. Eventually he hid on the bottom shelf of the trolly in Boarding. I moved everything in front of him, Ros found a top loading carry cage, I picked him up and put him in the carry cage. . . . calmly. (The adrenalin was tailing off at this stage).

So he is downstairs and she is upstairs (or vice versa) and the trap door between them is open. They have food.

The rest of the day was calm. A mother and son came to choose a kitten on the firm understanding that they cannot reserve one and have to phone each Monday to find out who will be desexed the next day. They had a lovely cuddle. The kittens loved it. They have four cats already at home but the late teenaged son wants a kitten of his own. They have adopted Samson from AWL. . so are good folk.

Angus is all alone next door on Tuesday to Thursday. So I spent some time with him late in the day. I think he didn't quite know why.

Joy sent some photos as I was too busy cockying to take many.

Harriet's chocolate box top kittens





New cat arrived last night, name begins with C. . . Cecily or Cecilia

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